The research-driven, road-tested framework that will help you make real progress in your career as you switch jobs.

National Bestseller

The research-driven, road-tested framework that will help you make real progress in your career as you switch jobs.

Each year, an estimated 1 billion people change jobs. A lucky few stumble into the role of their dreams, but hundreds of millions are disappointed. What if you could make more informed choices about which opportunities to seize? You can–once you understand that the power to move along your career paths is yours, as opposed to hiring managers or the market.



Job Moves demonstrates how to make this shift. It uses “Jobs to Be Done” theory—the notion that customers buy products to solve problems—and applies it to our careers. Cast in this light, jobs are positions we “hire” to help us make progress in our lives. 

By understanding your priorities for a job at the specific moment when you make each move, you can identify what’s driving you, the experiences you hope to gain, what tradeoffs you’re willing to make, and how to learn if a new job will deliver before switching. This wildly distinct approach enables job seekers to take a more holistic view and look beyond a title or a company to ask not what you can do in a job, but what a potential job can do for you. 

Innovators and authors Ethan Bernstein, Michael B. Horn, and Bob Moesta have helped thousands of professionals to make progress in their careers by using this universally applicable model, based on research that bears out across age, stage, and a multitude of trajectories. Full of useful activities and tools,
Job Moves is the essential framework you need to create a happier and more fulfilling career.

 Take the Job Moves Assessment

Across the thousands of careers we’ve studied, we’ve seen four consistent patterns at play that cause people to make a job move. We call these patterns "quests for progress." The four quests are to Get Out, Regain Control, Regain Alignment and Take the Next Step. You can learn more about each quest in the book. 

Although each person’s path is unique in its own way, we've built a tool to help you see which quest you were most likely on when you switched jobs in the past—AND to help you figure out which quest is likely motivating you to look for something new now. Knowing that makes it far more likely you will make a good job move—as opposed to one you'll regret within a few months and find yourself looking for a new job... yet again. What's more, the assessment will take you less than 10 minutes! 


“The ultimate guide to changing jobs and advancing your career.”

—Adam Grant, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Think Again and Hidden Potential and host of the TED podcast WorkLife

“A groundbreaking exploration of career transitions, blending deep research with practical guidance.”

—­Dr. Marshall Goldsmith, New York Times bestselling author of The Earned Life

"Job Moves is packed with stuff I wish I had understood 40 years ago. Follow these 9 steps."

—Reed Hastings, co-founder and executive chairman of Netflix and New York Times bestselling author

"Job Moves will be the What Color is Your Parachute? for the modern age." 

—­Amy C. Edmondson, Novartis Professor of Leadership, Harvard Business School; Ranked #1 in Thinkers50; Author

“Job Moves provides the tools, self-reflection exercises, and scripts needed to navigate any career.” 

—Gale V. King, former Fortune 100 CAO and CHRO, Corporate Director, and Chair of the Executive Leadership Council 

"If you want to change jobs but don’t know where to start, begin with Job Moves."

—­Herminia Ibarra, Charles Handy Professor at London Business School and bestselling author

“Job Moves will help you figure out when to stay in a job, when to go, and where you're headed."

—Kim Scott, New York Times bestselling author of Radical Candor

"For professionals at a crossroads, Job Moves offers a clear roadmap to success."

—Dorie Clark, Wall Street Journal bestselling author and executive education faculty, Columbia Business School

Ethan Bernstein

Michael B. Horn

Bob Moesta

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